I Got Through It. What's Next?

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Step Six.

Time to celebrate! The change has been made and things are normal again. It is not the "old normal" but a new normal. Knowing that change always occurs you begin looking ahead to see what is coming next.

Personal Change

"I got through it. What’s next?"

Life has settled back down. You have weathered the change. You are back to normal but it is a new normal. You now enjoy a family life with the baby. Looking ahead on the cycle of change, however, you may get that familiar vague feeling that, "Something’s Up?" Normal does not last long and soon you are off on a new round of change.

Work Change

"I got through it. What’s next?"

There is a return to normality of daily operations but it is a new normal. In this new situation there is a routine scanning for the early indicators of the next change.

By taking a proactive stance you are given early warning of future changes.

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