What is it?

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Step Two:

Step Two of the cycle of change is that of clarification and clear recognition of the situation. It can be named and described and often appears as either a problem or an opportunity. You get to choose your point of view because both danger and opportunity are involved. A clear understanding of the situation is needed in order to decide a course of action.

Personal Change

"What is it?"

Step Two of the cycle of change is that of clear recognition and clarification of the situation. With the example of a suspected pregnancy a pregnancy test is obtained.

The results unmistakably indicate yes or no. With the answer in hand you now may be able to look back and say, "I should have known." With hindsight the early warning signs are obvious.

When the answer is yes you face either a problem or an opportunity. You get to choose your point of view.  No matter how you view it, the next step in the change cycle is to decide what to do.

Work Change

"What is it?"       

With enough information from early trend indicators you are able to formulate a statement of the situation.

Healthcare has recently had to redefine its situation.

"Service delivery must be streamlined so that it is more efficient and cost effective while maintaining highest quality service."

This statement of the problem allows you to begin preparation for managed care’s arrival.

You must now plan what to do.

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