Lessons for Living        


How well do you handle change?








We all know that life is changeable and nothing stays the same, but with the impact of information technology on the speed of communication this truism is becoming more evident than ever before

Life is now so changeable that everyone needs to be "change-able." We all need -- change-ability -- the ability to cope with the constant fluctuations of daily life.

An "ability" is simply a skill to do something with competence, and skills can be learned. The six basic skills for coping with change can be found in a popular parable presented in the book, "Who Moved My Cheese."

First. Anticipate change. Don't become complacent where you are. Know and accept that change happens. Always be looking ahead to see what is coming, and you won't be caught off guard when change occurs.

Second. When change does come, carefully clarify the situation by studying what's going until you clearly understand what needs to be done.

Third. Quickly create a thorough plan of action by asking for input and help from everyone affected by the change.

Fourth. Don't delay. Begin changing as soon as you can. Put your plan into action. It won't work perfectly and continual adjustments will be needed, but you will be making progress.

Fifth. Enjoy the process. Change can be exciting when seen from the right perspective, and since it's going to happen anyway, you might as well enjoy it.

Last. When things finally settle back down to normal, get ready to do it all over again. Remember-- change happens.

Learn and practice these six skills of change-ability, and you'll be better able to handle the rapidly increasing changes of daily life

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