Meeting the Emotional Challenges of Cancer Treatment

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As a clinical psychologist I spend some time each week in a community oncology setting where my role is to counsel recently diagnosed cancer patients. I often meet patients just before they begin chemotherapy and conduct a Wellness Assessment that tries to determine how people are coping with the diagnosis of cancer and the challenges of treatment that lay ahead. My goal is to help patients assess their overall attitude and outlook because we know that people do better if they are able to maintain hope and optimism.

I have the opportunity to discuss with oncology patients the value of psychological hardiness and resiliency as well teaching them ways of managing stress. We also explore the four levels of healing (body, emotion, mind, and spirit) and ways of engaging these levels on a daily basis.

Much of this information is available on this web site, but I have also put it together in an article that I have written entitled Meeting the Emotional Challenges of Cancer Treatment. I give this article to each patient that I counsel, and it is available here for you to download. It is in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader which is available at 

Click Here to download the article Meeting the Emotional Challenges of Cancer Treatment.


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This page last updated: 11/01/12