Understanding Depression |
Depression is when you are "sadder than sad."
It has been said
that we live in the Age of Anxiety. We also live in a time of
depression. In American society so many people experience depression that it has been called the "common cold of emotional illness." About 5% of the population or 15 million people are depressed at any one time. About one in six people experience a significant depressive episode at some point in life. Depression is a definite problem with the elderly, but the age of onset is dropping and depression is showing up more and more in adolescents. Normal Emotions Life is filled a variety of experiences and depending upon life circumstances it is quite appropriate to be feeling any of a number of positive and negative emotions. Such emotional states include excitement, frustration, fear, happiness, anger, sadness, and joy with many more possibilities. All of these emotional states are normal reactions to specific life events. Even when they are experienced as unpleasant, they are normal reactions. These same emotions, however, can intensify into abnormal states if they become an overreaction to the circumstances. For example, if a store clerk is rude, you may respond with normal irritation and complain to the manager. If your irritation quickly escalates to anger and rage then you may create such a scene that you are now the rude and obnoxious person. Sadder than Sad? In a similar manner experiencing a loss may make you sad, but if the sadness becomes out of proportion to the event then you fall into depression. Sadness is normal, but depression is not. Depression is when you become sadder than sad. Depression differs from sadness in its intensity, frequency, and duration.
Any combination of these factors can result in depression. If it does then you have become "sadder than sad." Are you "sadder than sad?" Take this online test to find out. Learn more about depression. Watch your language. Don't talk
yourself into depression.