Stereograms: Lessons for Living

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Lessons for Living




Can you find the hidden image?



Lessons for Living are psychological, philosophical, and theological reflections on life. To illustrate many of these lessons an unusual teaching tool will be used.

This tool is a stereogram.

A stereogram is a two-dimensional, computer-generated, graphic image that has a 3-D image hidden in it. This hidden image can only be seen when viewed from the proper perspective. A stereogram has two levels of reality. There is the surface level which often appears chaotic and disorganized with its variety of colors and patterns. There is also the deeper and hidden level of reality, the hidden image, that contains the real meaning of the stereogram. The hidden image is the "real" reality of the stereogram. Because stereograms exist on these two levels, they can be used to teach lessons about the hidden dimensions of the everyday world in which we live. See if you can find the hidden images. What is the lesson and the message?

How to view a Stereogram

Learn to "undo" what stress does to you!

The Relaxation Stereogram

What is the nature of spiritual reality?

The Kingdom of God Stereogram

What is your true nature?

The Enneagram Stereogram

The Labyrinth Stereogram



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