Wheel of Life: Two

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The Four Phases of Life

This is the longer version of the Wheel of Life. It has a  psychological and spiritual  emphasis. For a shorter version that focuses on "The Wheel" as a model for understanding the emotions of organizational change. Click Here




Wheel of Life

A researcher observed a young butterfly’s exertion and struggle to get out of its cocoon. He thought he would help and used a scalpel to make a small slit in the cocoon, thus easing the butterfly’s task. Soon, however, he discovered the butterfly could not fly; its wings had not been strengthened through the effort of escape. The butterfly died because it was not strong enough to become airborne.

In a similar manner the struggle and suffering we encounter in life can be strengthening. If it is avoided then our lives may lack the strength and resolve needed to seek and engage transformation. Psychological and spiritual growth is always difficult. It is like the birth process in which something new comes into existence. A new level of maturity is brought into being. Birth involves struggle and with struggle comes not only suffering but strength.

To learn more about the Wheel of Life and its message about suffering, strength, happiness, and hope follow the topics below.


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