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Awakenings: Contents and site map
Awakenings Home Page
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What is an attitude?
You are what you think?
What are your rules for living?
Listening to your inner observer
Book Store
Consultation and teaching
Cycle of change
First step: Something's up?
Second step: What is it?
Third step: What do I need to do?
Fourth step: I'll do this!
Fifth step: I can do it!
Six step: What is next?
Resistance: I don't like it.
Resistance is normal
Resisting yourself
Resisting others
Valuing and recognizing resistance
Responding vs embracing resistance
Resistance and the cycle of change
Resiliency: I bounce back.
Assessing your resiliency resources
Practicing resiliency
Spontaneity, money, and others
The box of life
Resiliency and the cycle of change
Practicing deviancy
Using the cycle of change to succeed
Two faces of change
Overview of enneagram personality types.
Centers of the enneagram
Just for fun. The enneagram stereogram.
Brief history
The "box" of personality
The formation of personality
Life decisions
"Good and bad news" of personality
Wings and arrows of the enneagram
Directions of integration and disintegration
Compulsions and gifts
The power of introspection
The types in action
Enneagram of possibility
The classical labyrinth
The Chartres labyrinth
Walking a labyrinth
The threefold path
Draw a labyrinth
Build you own labyrinth
Labyrinth rituals
The labyrinth and the ocean
Local labyrinths
The finger labyrinth
Labyrinth links and resources
The labyrinth stereogram
Labyrinth screen saver
Labyrinth poem
Labyrinth and the Millennium
How I learned about the labyrinth
Youth and the labyrinth
Heart of Georgia labyrinth project
The labyrinth map
Take a labyrinth poll
Send a Labyrinth Card
Rose Park Labyrinth
Lessons for Living - The Book
Table of Contents
The ladder of life
What is midlife?
Who needs to know?
Becoming who you are
Climbing the ladder of personality development
Introversion - Extroversion
Perceptive functions: Sensing and Intuition
Judging functions: Making decisions
Lifestyle choices: Organizing life
Inner feminine and masculine
Becoming whole
Peaceful Moments
Sidewalk of Life
Chapter I
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Simple solutions
How to view a stereogram
The Relaxation Stereogram
Relaxation: Mini-meditation
Kingdom of God Stereogram
Parable of the stereogram
Enneagram Stereogram
The enneagram and the stereogram
The Labyrinth Stereogram
The Peace Stereogram
Peace mini-meditation
The Love Stereogram
Love mini-meditation.
Stereogram and eyestrain
Stress management
Looking for stress
The speed of change
Stress and the "information age"
Stress, change, and sauerkraut
Recalling what stress is like
Flight or fight
No fighting allowed
Adding up stress
What the doctor says
Stress and what you can do
Controlling the stressors
Changing how you think
Undoing stress
Undoing stress audiotape
The relaxation response
Progressive muscle relaxation
How to relax your body
Using your imagination
Practice, practice, practice
Control stress with a picture
Download a sound file of a relaxation exercise
Stress Cat
Take a test
Stress test
Burnout test
Depression test
Understanding Depression
Watch you language
Paradox of deoression
Causes of depression
Cognitive therapy: RET
Lessons for Living
The Wheel of life 1 and the emotions of change
The Wheel of life 2 (Spiritual Version)
Happiness and suffering
Life as a wheel
Journeys on the wheel
Happiness or joy?
Broken or open
Seeking joy
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